Levi's Favorite Art
Levi loves this kind of art. He can't even stop thinking about it when he goes to bed... alone.... in the dark... all by himself.... naked and vulnerable.
Here's the gallery

Levi loves this kind of art. He can't even stop thinking about it when he goes to bed... alone.... in the dark... all by himself.... naked and vulnerable.
Okay, I was adding the "Rice Lake Township" link that's on the right hand side of this page and noticed a couple things of interest.
T-shirt is the dumbest word in the English language. T ... shirt. Why? You don't call your shorts N-shorts (or U-shorts perhaps). You don't call Quade's dick J-Penis. Why T-shirt. Ugh.
A couple acid burns, toxic gases being inhaled, etc from a Works bomb. Nothing compared to this.
I'm not sure what to make of this: The Holy Land Experience. I do know that they definitely don't have someone competent doing their flash design. If they did, then you'd actually be able to click on the buildings during the "Tour" feature.
Explosions, violence, a fire hose, Napoleon Dynamite. Flash at its best: DeviantArt
Now when Axe watches PBS I can too. And I don't even feel guilty about it. As opposed to before when I would watch it and then ask myself "why the hell are you watching Between the fucking lions." Now I just say "I'm watching between the fucking lions, because Axel likes it. Not because I actually enjoy it." And this makes me feel better about remembering the smell of my mom cooking tattertots and hotdogs for dinner everynight while I caught up on my numbers and letters by watching sesame street. Also Sir Gwain rocks.
I probably wouldn't have shared either of these two seperately. But together? Oh yeah.
We all know that certain members of the militia (I'm looking at you, Wrangler) were in love with a certain Woodland teacher (hint: last name starts with a Draxten). What you might not know is that if she were caught having...relations...with, say, Ted Harwood, that she'd be subject to punishment. While many think that it'd be much less severe than that of a man caught doing a female student, it turns out that it's nearly the same.
Could there really be anything better than huffing gas. I say there just may be. I happen to have about twenty some feet of copper tubbing laying around, and some brass fittings. I like the names Old Skull and Grandpaps Rot Gut. Anyway check this out fuckers. http://homedistiller.org/